Valença is a walled city on the left bank of the Minho River, about 25 kilometres from the Atlantic Ocean. The municipality is bounded to the north by the Minho River, which forms the boundary with Spain; to the south-southeast by Paredes de Coura; to the southwest by Vila Nova de Cerveira; and to the east by Monção.
The origins of Valença can be traced back to Roman times. The two existing Roman highways (the Via IV of Antonine Itinerary XIX, of military usage, and the designated per loca martima – Itinerary XX, of commercial use) constitute proof. A Roman milestone marks the XLII mile of the route linking Braga and Tui, which is also located within the defensive walls. During the 12th century, this stronghold was filled by King Sancho I’s command. Contrasta, which means “settlement opposed to another,” or Tui (Spain) in this case, was the name. King Afonso III renamed it Valença in the 13th century. Its historical significance stems mostly from military limitations. It was crucial to Portugal’s defence and integrity against neighbouring Spain. The village is now peacefully overrun by Spanish visitors for business and tourism objectives. The fortification is still in use by the Portuguese.
Things to do and see:
Church of Saint Stephen
It is a religious neoclassical building. A Neoclassical church with a longitudinal plan, with 3 naves. The Collegiate Church of Santo Estêvão de Valença was based here, as was the Bishopric of Ceuta. From those times, it is possible to appreciate the bishop’s chair, in the Gothic-Mudejar style, as well as the chairs and paintings from the life of Stº Estevão. The temple still retains the only existing painting in Portugal of the Virgin breastfeeding the boy who escaped the Inquisition.
- GPS: 42º1’54.02” N | 8º38´41.49” W
Church of Saint Mary of Angels
The Mother Church of Valença, dating back to the 13th century in the Romanesque style, has a longitudinal plan. Inside, it conserves five polychrome carved altarpieces in neoclassical and baroque styles in the nave, 2 of which are positioned collaterally to the triumphal arch, and in the chancel, the altarpiece in equally polychrome carvings, also of neoclassical design. In the adjoining funerary chapel, interesting traces of sixteenth-century mural painting are also preserved.
Military chapel of Bom Jesus. Baroque chapel, 17th and 18th centuries
An exponent of religious, baroque and rococo architecture. The chapel of Bom Jesus do Bonfim has a rectangular nave and chancel. Inside, it preserves the image of Nª Sra do Carmo, patron saint of the 21st Infantry Regiment stationed in Valença. Appreciate the number of decorations in the image and the inspiration and protection dedicated in the side frame to the Valença Regiment.
GPS: 42º1’42.45”N | 8º38’43.62”W
Statue of São Teotónio
A 20th-century sculpture depicting the image of the 1st Portuguese Saint, the inspirer and guardian of nationality. He was born in the Valencian parish of Ganfei in 1082 and died on February 18, 1162, in Coimbra. First Portuguese saint, regarded as the patron saint of imprisoned Christians, for assisting 1000 abducted Mozarabic men, women, and children during D. Afonso Henriques’ incursion into Andalusia.
Manor house, 15th-century (Eirado house)
Manor house is one of the oldest in the fort. It stands out for its merlons, the Jewish marks on the doors and its window. The window of Casa Do Eirado is one of the first hallmarks of the Portuguese Manueline architectural style. Underneath the window is the figure of a head, in granite, with the inscription FEAL: ME FEZ 1448. The villagers say that it symbolizes a Galician who has had his throat cut.
GPS: N 42º1’51.4” | W 8º38’40.4”
Marshal’s House, 19th Century XVIII. Champalimaud Nussane Portal
The house in the shape of an inverted L, on Rua Mouzinho de Albuquerque, is one of the most important buildings in the Historic Center in terms of architectural interest. An example of late-Baroque architecture belonged to Marshal Champalimaud de Nussane, a prominent figure in the Portuguese Army who was also governor of Praça Forte de Valença.
GPS: 42º1’54.11″ N | 8º38’43.11″ W
The historic international bridge
Portugal and Spain decided to build a bi-functional (road and railway) bridge in 1879. Eiffel’s work inspired the design of the bridge. Although the bridge is still in use, a new bridge was erected south of the old one.
Valencia’s fortress
The Valença Fortress is one of the main military fortifications in Europe, with about 5 km of walled perimeter overlooking the river Minho, opposite Tui. A space of Galician-Minhoto coexistence, commercial and tourist par excellence.
A work of bastioned military architecture, whose first walls date back to an Iron Age settlement and which currently has a bastioned system, was built in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The fortification is located on top of two hills and is formed by two polygons: the Magistral (older) and the Coroada, separated by a moat with false-bragas.
10 bulwarks and 2 half bulwarks, 5 ravelins, 5 repairs, 6 slats, 2 counterguards, 2 faceplates, 1 tenalha, 34 watchtowers, 214 gunboats, 6 forts, 3 posterns, 2 magazines, 10 pillboxes, are some of the elements of the bastioned military architecture that are projected and it is possible to appreciate in this fortification.
The cannons
Along the north wall, several old cannons very well maintained are positioned pointing to the river and Galicia as if to remind of their old purpose.
Village fountain
It is a fountain of mediaeval antiquity, located outside the walls on the west side of the castle, that was repaired in the 18th century, as shown by the royal weapons put over the water tank. A lovely picturesque spot with a fountain and old washing tanks, sheltered by the ravelin of Fonte da Vila. On land, the ravelin contains gunboats made of granite masonry and a casemate buried in the collar.
GPS coordinates: 42o1’49.57″ N | 8o38’43.74″ W
Field of Mars Magazine. Paiol, 19th Century XVIII
Built-in 1715, it is located in the southern part of the fort. With two rectangular rooms surrounded by a high wall, a portal between pilasters topped by the Stone of Arms of Portugal and, below, by the Ataídes Stone, lies Lieutenant General João Vitoria Miron de Sabione, Governor of the Square and founder of the Aula Real de Artilharia.
1’39.62” N | 8°38’46.24” W
Butcher Shop. Magazine of 1774
Dating back to 1774, it served as a collection of war material for the 8th Machine Gun Group. It has a rectangular floor plan and a vaulted upper system, protected by high walls. It is one of the emblematic buildings that mark the centuries of the strategic military function of the fortress of Valença.
Roman milestone
It marks the 42-mile distance from Braga to Tui and was built by Emperor Cláudio in the 19th century. I DC Over time, it also served as a pillory. The XIXth century Roman road enters Valença through Fontoura, crosses Cerdal at the Pedreira bridge, and arrives at the Valença valley, where the passage to Tui was made. A route for military, commercial, and territory pacification purposes.
GPS: 42º1’54.4” N | 8º38’41.34” W
Capela Sant’ana Viewpoint

One of the most privileged viewpoints in Alto Minho, with a fabulous view over Valença and Tui, with the bridge that joins them and the river Minho, up to its mouth, in Caminha. It is located next to the chapels of Nossa Sra. do Faro and Santa Ana and is set in a natural park with pleasant leisure spaces and picnic areas.
The ECOPISTA DO RIO MINHO and ECOVIA DAS VEIGAS DO RIO MINHO are green corridors along the River Minho that offer a journey through lush riverfront environment.

- The path is privileged, having already earned awards for the third and fourth greatest greenways in Europe.
- The Ecopista follows the flow of the River Minho through vineyards, cultivated fields, streams, and excellent perspectives, all while traversing a rich constructed heritage.
- The fisheries, insuas and islands, and the Veiga da Mira biotype, all of which are part of the Natura 2000 Network, provide tiny complementing retreats to the Ecopista.
- Relax at the picnic parks of Verdoejo, Ganfei, and Senhora da Cabeça (Cristelo Côvo) or the Foz do Manco Leisure Area (Friestas), which have beautiful natural settings.
- The Ecopista is easily accessible by foot, bicycle, inline skates, or skateboard and may be utilised alone or with the family.
- Take the opportunity to relax in the Picnic Parks of Verdoejo, Ganfei and Senhora da Cabeça (Cristelo Côvo) or in the Foz do Manco Leisure Area (Friestas), with unique natural surroundings.
- On foot, by bicycle, inline skates or skateboard, the Ecopista is easy to access and can be used individually or with the family.