Chaves is located in the Trás-os-Montes region of Portugal, is along Tâmega River. It is well-known for its spa, historic centre, and delectable presunto (smoked ham). It is a city and municipality in the northern parts of Portugal and located 10 kilometres south of the Spanish border.

It was a major city in Roman times because of its hot thermal springs and location at the crossroads of three important roads. The well-preserved Roman Bridge is still awe-inspiring evidence of its former glory. The Roman bath ruins, which were excavated in 2009, can now be visited. Roman relics can be found in museums, making the experience of travelling back in time even more enjoyable!

Chaves Thermal Spa

Chaves was a popular Roman destination for reviving bodies and souls in the hot thermal water. Even today, Chaves Thermal Spa uses it for a variety of treatments for a variety of ailments. Relax and recharge your batteries with a wellness treatment in the modern thermal bath and enjoy a spa experience that has been used to heal and relax people for over 2,000 years.

Aside from its rich Roman heritage, Chaves is endowed with a number of historic monuments from other eras. Explore the mediaeval castle, two 17th-century forts, and several churches of various architectural styles. After you’ve seen the historic sites, take a stroll through one of Chaves’ beautiful parks.

Chaves has been fought over by the Romans, the French during the Peninsular War, and numerous Spanish invaders over the centuries. Thermal springs and nearby gold deposits prompted the Romans to establish an important stronghold there in AD 78, and their emperor, Vespasiano, decided to name the town Aquae Flaviae in honour of the quality of its natural spring waters.

The name Chaves (which means “keys”) is said to derive from King João I, father of Prince Henry the Navigator, handing over the town’s keys to Nuno Álvares Pereira for his valiant service at the Battle of Aljubarrota in 1385, during which the Portuguese defeated a much larger Spanish force.

Day trips are a breeze in this location.

Its location in the far north of Portugal not only creates a pleasant climate in Chaves, but also provides opportunities for exciting day trips. Porto, the famous city, is only about an hour away. Santiago de Compostela, a dream destination for millions of pilgrims from all over the world, is a popular day trip for Chaves guests.

Ficheiro:Forte de S. Francisco (Chaves) - panoramio.jpg – Wikipédia, a  enciclopédia livre
 Forte de São Francisco

Chaves has a long military history, which includes many fortifications and battlement remnants. Apart from the mediaeval castle and 17th-century forts (Forte de São Francisco and Forte de São Neutel), two mediaeval fortifications remain Santo Estêvão  Tower (north of Chaves in the village of the same name) and Monforte Castle (in the hills east of the town).

The mediaeval quarter, with its Rua Direita and Rua de Santo António, has been designated as a historic zone, despite the fact that many of the older buildings outside the historical walls have been demolished to make way for apartment blocks. There are narrow multi-story dwellings in these areas, whose origins have been limited by the walled city.

Chaves - centro histórico e as suas varandas |… | Flickr

The old quarter was historically the city, and few buildings were built outside its walls due to the city’s frontier location and the threat of invasion, which prevented the construction of homes outside the walls. As a result, the land was primarily used for multi-purpose dwellings, resulting in extremely narrow streets and multi-story buildings (with balconies that extended over the streets and protected the citizenry). The residents lived in the upper stories, while many of the lower floors were occupied by shops or small businesses. In the mediaeval quarter, remnants of these verandas can still be seen.

  • Things to do in and around Chaves
  • Pedras Salgadas Spa & Nature Park
  • Parque de Campismo Quinta
  • Parque de Lazer de Rebordochão
  • Castle Monforte de Rio Livre
  • Castle of Santo Estêvão
  • Forte de São Neutel
  • Trajano Bridge
  • Museu de Arte Contemporânea
  • Centro de Artes Nadir Afonso
  • Casa-Museu João Vieira
  • Núcleo Museológico
  • Museu da Região Flaviense
  • Museu Rural de Boticas
  • Termas Romanas
  • Pedra Bolideira
  • Castro de Sapelos
  • Castro Curalha
  • Serra da Padrela
  • Church São João de Deus
  • Misericordia Church
  • Largo do Terreiro de Cavalaria
  • Jardim do Tabolado
  • Castle Garden
  • Pillory of Chaves
  • Praia Fluvial de Vidago
  • PAVT – Parque Arqueológico do Vale do Terva
  • Estrada Nacional 2, Km 0
  • Caldas de Chaves