Penela da Beira, Portugal

Lady of the Mount Chapel Dolmen is an ancient tomb that still stands in Portugal. It is the jewel among the megalithic funerary monuments in all of Beira Alta! It was classified as a National Monument in 1961, given its rarity and exceptional importance in the context of the national prehistoric heritage. It is located in the centre of a wide plateau and stands out in the landscape for the heritage set in which it is inserted.   It is a large dolmen that was Christianized in the Middle Ages through the construction of a chapel, having been the funerary chamber adapted to the religious space. It is a monument formed by a polygonal chamber, with a long corridor and atrium.   The archaeological interventions made it possible to get to know the funerary monument in-depth and several finds were exhumed, which are now exposed in the Identity and Memory Space, such as blades, axes and ceramic containers, microliths, a spheroid and even coals related to ritual fires (dated between the 3290s – 3010 BC)

Penela da Beira, Portugal