PORTUGAL’S LAST GLOVE SHOP. This ‘hand Haute couture’ business is likely one of the smallest in the world, with only one client at a time welcome within its charming Art Deco décor. It is a member of a dwindling type of vintage store that offers just gloves, custom-made for each customer. Artisanal leather gloves for men & women in a stylish neoclassical showcase open since 1925.

Rua do Carmo 87A


Since its inception in 1789, this magnificent shop has sold candles of all forms, sizes, smells, and colours. The shop’s wood-panelled interior is a work of art in commercial architecture. As you enter, you’ll feel as if you’ve been transported to a bygone era, where service is more personal and attentive than you’ve ever encountered.

Rua do Loreto 53/5


This is one of the few remaining shops from another era in Lisbon. Chapelaria d’Aquino is a headgear speciality boutique that has been a go-to source for hats for generations of fashionable Lisboetas.

Rua do Comércio 16-A


Since the early twentieth century, Casa Pereira has been a family business, and it remains the place to buy high-quality coffee beans, teas, and chocolates. As in the past, the shop sources a large proportion of its products from vendors in former Portuguese colonies, namely from São Tomé and Brazil.

Rua Garrett 38


Adjacent to Luvaria Ulisses, the Carmo jeweller has remained in the same location since 1924. The store, which is part of a family-run business formed in late nineteenth-century Porto, is particularly lovely, with its art deco design. You may be required to ring the bell to gain access.

87B Rua do Carmo


Oldest Florist shop in Lisbon

A Frenchman travelling through Lisbon at the beginning of the twentieth century fell in love with the city’s delicacy and established the “Petit Jardin” in a classic stairway in the heart of Chiado.

O Pequeno Jardim (translated as The Little Garden), a Portuguese traditional florist, was founded in 1922. Since then, it has become a required stop for inspiration, with its array of colours and perfumes from around the world.

Officially elected as a  “Historical Shop”

Rua Garrett 61 , 1200-203 Lisboa


Casa Havaneza, established in 1864, is Lisbon’s first cigar merchant. The location’s significance in the 1870s is attested in the writings of various Portuguese authors, including Eça de Queirós, who makes several references to Casa Havaneza in his works.

25 Avenida do Chiado


Pastelaria Benard, founded in 1868, is one of the oldest surviving patisseries in Lisbon. If you’re looking for an outstanding croissant, look no further — according to some, Benard’s croissants are the best in Lisbon.

Garrett Road, 104


Established in 1888Paris in Lisbon is evidence of the elegant Chiado of the nineteenth century. At the time, the store sold the best linen, silk and embroidery directly from Paris, becoming a supplier of the royal Portuguese court by the beginning of the twentieth century. Over the years, the shop evolved to adapt to the new shopping patterns. Today, it is a three-storey shop offering a wide selection of bed, bath, table linen and related products. 

Rua Garrett, 77


Conserveira de Lisboa was founded in 1930 as Mercearia do Minho. Because one of its founders, Fernando da Silva Ferreira, was a retailer of canned food at the time, canned food became the company’s mainstay. He began his career as an employee and saved enough money to buy a third of the company.

In 1942 Conserveira the Lisboa was consolidate as the official name after being through some different partnerships, even though Fernando da Silva was always a main partner in the company. During the 60s/70s the company achieved success by owning two big warehouses.

The business retains its original appearance, which is reminiscent of the 1930s. The main counter, shelving, and office remain unchanged.

No.34, Rua dos Bacalhoeiros


Many toy stores sell dolls, but this is one magical establishment that cares about the relationship between the toy and its owner. In Lisbon’s Hospital de Bonecas, treasured dolls, stuffed animals, and other toys are painstakingly restored and repaired. Each wounded toy is repaired with care and accuracy – arms are reattached, eyes are replaced – and a cherished plaything is given to its thankful owner. The Hospital de Bonecas has been in business since 1830, also sells Spanish Mariquita Perez and Paola Reina dolls, German Schild Krot dolls, and recreated vintage-style doll clothing.

Praça da Figueira, Nº 7