The Discoveries Monument is a monument located on the northern bank of the Tagus River estuary in the civil parish of Santa Maria de Belém, Lisbon. The monument commemorates the Portuguese Age of Discovery (or “Age of Exploration”) during the 15th and 16th centuries and is located along the river where ships departed to explore and trade with India and the Orient.
- Western profile
- Peter, Duke of Coimbra (son of King John I of Portugal)
- Queen Philippa of Lancaster
- Fernão Mendes Pinto (explorer and writer)
- Frei Gonçalo de Carvalho, O.P. (Dominican Missionary)
- Frei Henrique de Coimbra, O.F.M. (Franciscan Missionary)
- Luís de Camões (renaissance poet who celebrated the navigations in the epic Lusiads)
- Nuno Gonçalves (painter)
- Gomes Eanes de Zurara (chronicler)
- Pêro da Covilhã (traveller)
- Jácome de Maiorca (Jehudà Cresques, cartographer)
- Pedro Escobar (pilot)
- Pedro Nunes (mathematician)
- Pêro de Alenquer (pilot)
- Gil Eanes (navigator)
- João Gonçalves Zarco (navigator)
- Ferdinand the Holy Prince (son of King John I of Portugal)