Start: MTB Center of Fróia River Beach: 39.790387ºN 7.838432ºW” (365 m)

It is a circular circuit that begins and ends at the MTB Center. The route follows the stream Penafalco and then the stream Cho do Galego. Upon passing the Ribeira da Fróia stream, it continues along the Figueira stream, always keeping the water in view. This is a challenging route that passes through the villages of Penafalcão, Giesteiras Cimeiras, Figueira, Pereiro, Ripanço, Marcelino, Fróia and Oliveiras.n Park sports’ complex.

Enjoy the natural heritage surrounding this route. In summer, take the opportunity to cool down in the clear waters of the Froia Riverside River Beach.

Difficulty: moderate
Distance: 32.1 km
Duration: 6:00 h
Ascent: 847 m
847 m
Highest point: 467 m
Lowest point: 212 m

Safety information

– Ride on open trails only

– Leave no traces of your passage

– Control your bicycle

– Yield to others

– Never scare the animals

– Plan ahead

– Pay attention to motor vehicles on public roads

– It is forbidden to use motor vehicles on downhill trails

– Respect the environmental or maintenance signage

– Trails are restricted from September to October due to the red deer mating season

– Recommended use of GPS device

– Rentals available from the Residents association


SOS Emergency: 112

SOS Forest: 117

The Froia River Beach is one of the show-pieces of the municipality of Proença-a-Nova. The clear, crystalline water of the sources of the Froia river, the freshness and the natural beauty of the space are the main features of this beach that have won several awards. The village of Figueira is a well-preserved schist village. Made up of streets, alleys, narrow quelhos and quelhas arranged in a labyrinthine fashion, the core houses the communal wood oven, where bread is regularly baked. The Figueira stream, which circles the village, offers wide margins in certain places, used for subsistence farming, olive trees and grazing animals. These margins are beautifully structured by long hatchet schist stonewalls, in order to defeat the flow of the stream without degradation. Its width also facilitated movements between the cultivated fields and food and goods transportation.

Gastronomy: Maranho (goat stomach filled with goat meat mixture); wood-oven kid; plangaio (rice and pork stew); traditional smoked sausages; cabbage with breadcrumbs; tigelada da Cortiçada (baked custard pudding – Cortiçada style); fritters; coscoréis (pastries); broas de mel (pastries); honey; olive oil.